Materia Medica

The Flower Essence Blog

The Flower Essence Blog is an invitation to explore the magic and science behind flower essences with expert insights and detailed guides on how these natural remedies can nourish your mind, body, and spirit. Browse our blog for an index of floral essence information, contextual science and healing benefits as well as tarot and flower attunement oracle insights to understand the mystical powers of the floral realm. 

New moon in Aquarius & Borage Flower Essence
Essence Index, Oracle & Tarot felicia howe Essence Index, Oracle & Tarot felicia howe

New moon in Aquarius & Borage Flower Essence

The 11th house, also known as the house of friendships, hopes, and wishes, also signifies our social networks, associations, and our capacity for fulfilling our dreams. It represents the role of community, collaboration, and the support we receive from others. The energy of Aquarius is humanitarian, and within us, it seeks knowledge and inspiration to elevate the world. Aquarius is ruled by the Star card in the tarot and is represented by 17. The self-consciousness of the magician and the driving force of the chariot together evoke the number 8, which represents strength. The star is our new self being born. We are naked to the world in our authenticity. The innocence of hope, new beginnings, and the light at the end of the tunnel. The Star reminds us that in order to create balance and shine in the material world, we must look within ourselves through meditation and self-care. The star embodies the element of air, and its challenges are of the mind and our own limitations. 

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Moon phase ritual tools, teas and flower essences
Rituals, Essence Index felicia howe Rituals, Essence Index felicia howe

Moon phase ritual tools, teas and flower essences

New Moon Phase - Waning marks a new phase and is always in the same Sun sign of the zodiac each month. As the Moon decreases, it initiates a time for inner reflection, resting, and meditation. This is a good time for setting intentions and divination. Just as the New Moon increases moister for the earth. The New Moon can invoke emotions and hidden shadows, making this the perfect occasion to learn and discover more about ourselves under the veil. 

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The Essence of Sunflower
Essence Index felicia howe Essence Index felicia howe

The Essence of Sunflower

The Sunflower flower essence supports our internal equilibrium it is ruled by the Sun and brings us Fire and passion. However, the Sunflower also has the quality of the element Water and a connection to the Moon that works harmoniously with the Sun's energy to create a balance of our inward and outward expression. The essence of the Sunflower and the Sun helps us to shine bright through authenticity, healing our perception from a place of a balanced personality building a healthy ego and strong solar plexus. Sunflowers help lift our vibration and help us let go of toxic situations that no longer serve us. Their big, bright yellow petals shine strong and confident, giving us support and increasing vitality.

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Oregon Grape Flower Essence
Plant Science, Essence Index felicia howe Plant Science, Essence Index felicia howe

Oregon Grape Flower Essence

Oregon grape helps teach us healthy boundaries. Its medicinal qualities are known for treating many conditions and are often used as an antifungal treatment, eczema cream, psoriasis treatment, and rash aid. Our skin is a helpful site for self-reflection. It tells us when we are unbalanced and when our boundaries have been crossed emotionally and spiritually. Oregon grape flower essence helps us to find balance. Its spiky leaves remind us to strengthen our boundaries, while its beautiful flowers remind us to shine. Its fruit-bearing quality helps us to feel nourished in giving and receiving love.

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Winter Solstice essences from the Flower Attunement
Essence Index, Rituals felicia howe Essence Index, Rituals felicia howe

Winter Solstice essences from the Flower Attunement

Winter Solstice offers a time to lay down a new foundation; when we are called to this, we are invoking changes of the mind and all that we feel through our body, starting at the base of our spine. December brings Saturn's energy to examine structures we build for ourselves; its essence is cold, dense, dry, and solid. Saturn's energy is our bones and stability. When big changes and transitions occur, this energy starts at the base of our spine and moves up through our energy centers; this can cause triggers and upsets to areas of the body that hold certain emotions, from unprocessed anger to trauma and fear. I have put together a blend of flower essence allies to help us feel safe, grounded, and supported through this time of change.

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