Winter Solstice essences from the Flower Attunement

Balancing the elements

Winter Solstice offers a time to lay down a new foundation; when we are called to this, we are invoking changes of the mind and all that we feel through our body, starting at the base of our spine.

December brings Saturn's energy to examine structures we build for ourselves; its essence is cold, dense, dry, and solid. Saturn's energy is our bones and stability. When big changes and transitions occur, this energy starts at the base of our spine and moves up through our energy centers; this can cause triggers and upsets to areas of the body that hold certain emotions, from unprocessed anger to trauma and fear. I have put together a blend of flower essence allies to help us feel safe, grounded, and supported through this time of change.

As we move into Winter solstice, we are met with shorter days and longer nights. The Earth has transcended to the dark side of the Moon, the place of Shadows and where the dark Goddess will show us our deepest secrets if we let her. Winter is the time of receptivity, to go inward, slow down and witness ourselves. Our kidneys are ruled by the Water element and hold the energy of Venus; this energy is nurturing and receptive its shadow aspect can bring up fear and overwhelm us with the unknown; this can cause stress and trigger a stress response sending imbalances through the body. The Water element helps us to adapt and allows fluidic changes harmoniously.

The Moon pulls us inward and outward each month like a inhale and an exhale. Its action moves the elements of Air and Water; thoughts and emotions activate in the winter months and hold the key tool of dissolution, the transformation of our mind and emotions.

As we witness the plants and trees fall away, rot, and decay, we observe the nourishment from the alchemical process as Earth transforms what no longer serves. The water from rain rehydrates, and the snow cools the Earth from the hot sun and the summer months of fire energy. Water is the remedy winter brings. Water helps us adjust to fluidic change; water is boundless and holds the energy we give it.

Water in the body

The body is made up of 70% water.

The water element rules the kidneys, lymphatic system, and bladder and influences our adrenal glands, pituitary, and blood sugar. Emotionally when we are out of balance and feeling stuck, these body systems can feel overly emotional; low energy, water retention, depression, and laziness can contribute to symptoms of an excess of Water elements. The Water element contributes to fluidic change and adaptability when we are deficient in its energy, issues like insomnia, restlessness, headaches, and insensitivity may arise.

The antidote may be Water itself. Nourishing our body with hydration and cleansing our lymphatic system, where we can store unprocessed emotions, helps keep everything moving. Heavy emotions can benefit from the action of Fire when we lack energy and feel stuck. Fire can be the antidote and just what we need to give us the passion and momentum to move forward.

The Winter season allows us to look deeper within the shadow giving us a chance to become more confident and connected to our potential. We are giving and receiving energy throughout our lives and what we put out there comes back to us in various forms of unspoken communication; Winter requires us to pay attention to family, foundations, and willpower. Nourishing our kidneys and adrenals is essential to help us manage our stress and boost our vital life force energy and creativity.

The Winter Solstice is the celebration of returning to light. As nature moves through each season, we are given opportunities to participate in evolving transformations. We are reminded that without the shadow, we would not have the opportunity, inspiration, depth, and personal growth.

I have prepared a reading from the Flower Attunement Tarot for the seven energy bodies within us and the flower essences remedies that offer support for the mind, body, And soul, helping to elevate and bring more love and compassion for these times of transition, darker and unknown seasons we are in.

The Foundation

Hellebore holds the essence of Earth and the energy of Mars and Saturn. She is the Queen of Pentacles, and her rose-like blossoms bloom in the coldest winter. Her roots are strong and deep. Hellebore offers great depth, wisdom, and stability. She helps us embody our power giving us confidence and protection, connecting us to Earth's energy and all its abundance instilling us with personal power and receptivity.

The creative energy center

Manzanita holds the essence of Earth and the energy of Venus doctrine. Of its tiny pink blossoms dangle from evergreen shrubs that bloom in the colder winter months through early spring. They resemble and are somewhat shaped like a bladder, and their medicinal properties are used to treat UTIs. Our sacral energy center is our vitality and life force. It’s our creative source of energy. Our kidneys, adrenal, and reproductive health can be influenced strongly by fear and emotional imbalances. Manzanita is the 2 of pentacles & Justice; its flower essence teaches us resistance and how to replenish our life force energy. Manzanita helps us release rigid mindsets softening us and turning us inward to find balance when life feels stressful.

The ego and self-preservation

Violet holds the element of Water and the energy of Pluto and Venus. It is the Death Card and the 4 cups.

Violets have long been associated with death and resurrection. Their blossoms bloom in the darkness and cool temperatures through Spring rebirth. Violets are cooling and cleansing our lymphatic system, helping us to release what no longer serves us. The energies of Pluto and venus bring deep self-reflection and examination. Disconnection, apathy, and depression can lower our sense of self and our connection to our divine life force. Violets blossoms help cleanse our mind and body, invoking new perspectives while soothing and nourishing us through difficult times of change and transition.

The Heart

Juniper holds the essence of Water & Air and the energy of the Sun. Juniper brings healing to our minds and emotions of the three swords.

Juniper pollinates cone flowers from January to the new beginning of the Fools journey in April. Juniper has many medicinal uses for healing our hearts and mind, is rich in antioxidants, and has immune-boosting properties. Juniper is heartwarming with its connection to Sol energy. It helps give us courage in challenging times, and it’s soothing and calming to our minds and emotions by helping us gain insight and clarity in overwhelming times of stress and confusion. Juniper opens us up on a deep subconscious level helping us to gain perspective and guiding us through opportunities of growth and healing.

Our Voice

Cypress holds the essence of Earth and the energy of Saturn & 7 of Pentacles.

Cypress is an evergreen and has the ability to reproduce itself through its own cones and seeds. Cypress trees have long been associated with death and transition. At times, they were burned in cremation to help fumigate the air. The evergreen is everlasting and gives us perseverance through each season and life's challenges. The energy of Saturn gives Cypress deep grounding and support in times of change and uncertainty; Cypress helps support our needs, personal truth, and self-expression. Cypress Provides us with vitality and momentum to move through whatever transitions life brings.

Wisdom & intuition

Nettles holds the essence of Fire and the Energy of Mars. The 3 Wands

Nettles blossoms bloom through winter Into spring. Its firey essence gives us passion and inspiration in the unknown times of darkness. Nettles are packed with all kinds of medicinal qualities and relieve us of toxins that no longer serve; they are the perfect remedy for spring cleaning our minds and body. Nettle flower essence supports our creative potential, action, and follow-through. Nettles help us to set forth into the unknown with courage and enthusiasm.

The Crown & Divine connection

Calendula holds the essence of Fire and the energy of Jupiter and the Sun. Calendula is the 10 of wands & The Wheel of Fortune.

Calendula is a bright summer blossom that, once established, can bloom all year round. Calendula is pure fire energy. Ruled by Jupiter, it brings us expansion and abundance. It can also help us to unburden our minds from too much excess mentally and emotionally. Calendula flower essence teaches us to go with the flow, knowing we are protected and assured on our path by giving us wisdom, flexibility, and luck.


Love Potion No. 6 for 2022


How to use The Flower Attunement Oracle & Guidebook