Materia Medica

The Flower Essence Blog

The Flower Essence Blog is an invitation to explore the magic and science behind flower essences with expert insights and detailed guides on how these natural remedies can nourish your mind, body, and spirit. Browse our blog for an index of floral essence information, contextual science and healing benefits as well as tarot and flower attunement oracle insights to understand the mystical powers of the floral realm. 

The Flower Attunement Oracle Session
Oracle & Tarot, Plant Science felicia howe Oracle & Tarot, Plant Science felicia howe

The Flower Attunement Oracle Session

Because we are consuming so much information and environmental stress, the botanical oracle system helps tap into the peripheral nervous system and provides a remedy for releasing emotional stagnation by blending a customized Flower Essence elixir based on what has been revealed through the subconscious level. With the synergetic qualities of each essence, they provide mental and emotional healing and give us spiritual support for our well-being, connecting to nature and instilling mindfulness. 

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The Science Behind Flower Essences
Plant Science felicia howe Plant Science felicia howe

The Science Behind Flower Essences

The science behind their superpowers is primal. Like us, plants have organs and a sophisticated system to detect and respond to light, gravity, temperature, and physical touch receptors, sense environmental factors and relay the information through an intermediate chemical messenger response. My theory is the symbiotic connection between plants and humans' sensory systems allows for a seamless delivery system.

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Oregon Grape Flower Essence
Plant Science, Essence Index felicia howe Plant Science, Essence Index felicia howe

Oregon Grape Flower Essence

Oregon grape helps teach us healthy boundaries. Its medicinal qualities are known for treating many conditions and are often used as an antifungal treatment, eczema cream, psoriasis treatment, and rash aid. Our skin is a helpful site for self-reflection. It tells us when we are unbalanced and when our boundaries have been crossed emotionally and spiritually. Oregon grape flower essence helps us to find balance. Its spiky leaves remind us to strengthen our boundaries, while its beautiful flowers remind us to shine. Its fruit-bearing quality helps us to feel nourished in giving and receiving love.

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