Moon phase ritual tools, teas and flower essences

The Moon has a powerful effect on the earth; the movements of plant leaves move with the gravitational pull just as the tides of the ocean. The Moon increases moister in the soil during the New Moon phase marking a desirable time to sow seeds, causing swelling for greater germination and better-established plants. Just as plants harness the energy of the Moon, the human body consists of up to sixty percent water; we expand and contract water held in the body and can become stagnant from unprocessed emotions causing irritability and tiredness. Because the Moon distributes the vital forces of the Sun, this influences fluidic change, adaptability, and emotional changes through the sympathetic nervous system, influencing the deep subconscious and hidden emotions. The Moon takes us inward and outward depending on its entered cycles and rhythms. Each phase offers a time for reflection and wisdom into the mysteries of our connection to the natural world. This kit offers deep connection and invites ritual practice thought the year. 

New Moon Phase] Waning marks a new phase and is always in the same Sun sign of the zodiac each month. As the Moon decreases, it initiates a time for inner reflection, resting, and meditation. This is a good time for setting intentions and divination. Just as the New Moon increases moister for the earth. The New Moon can invoke emotions and hidden shadows, making this the perfect occasion to learn and discover more about ourselves under the veil. 

The New Moon is a  perfect time to formulate new intentions and re-evaluate existing ones. This is a resting energy phase, so get plenty of rest and give yourself the space to connect with your true purpose, passion, and mission. Set aside time for meditating or journaling, or head into nature for inspiration. From here, you can set intentions aligned with your authentic self. When you feel ready, write down your new intentions and go through your existing list to make sure they are still valid.

New Moon Ritual Package uses three powerful forms of plant healing for the mind and body, indulging all the senses. 

Room Spray

pure therapeutic grade essential oils to open and expand the mind with the power of scent, igniting the olfactory response and stimulating the neuropathways. 

Mugwort - Thujone chemical component is a psychoactive stimulant that activates dreams and visions.

Nutmeg- Myristicin is an intoxicating component that deepens meditation and opens the mind to prophesy and intuition.

Juniper- assists in grounding and calming emotions while supporting the body in meditation.

Rosewood- strengthens and protects, offering soothing and nurturing.

*note the Room Spray is intended for external use only and not to be used directly on the skin.

However, it's ideal as a pillow spray to invoke dreams or to clear and protect a sacred space; due to the strength of the oils, it should only be used for relaxation.   

Flower Essence elixir- is composed of pure vibration botanicals penetrating our peripheral nervous system, the most primal parts of our body where we sense and feel our environment connecting our inward and outward worlds. These odorless tinctures work directly on the emotional body and the subconscious, helping us release and let go of toxins and instilling confidence and unconditional love. 

Flower Essences ruled by the Moon-

Fuschia- takes us deep into the subconscious and intuition, helping us t release repressed emotions and adapt to life's challenges and providing awareness and calming the mind.

Grape Hyacinth- deepens personal truth and discernment. 

Hellebore- gives us the confidence to step into our power and embrace inner wisdom, releasing what no longer serves.

New Moon Ritual Tea blend- 

Mugwort- helps boost energy and calm the nervous system; it nourishes reproductive health. Mugwort strengthens psychic powers, prophetic dreams, and healing. It holds the energy of Earth and Water.

Nettel- is a blood purifier and immune booster; it's nourishing and improves digestion. Nettel is protective and wards off negative energy. It holds the element of Fire.

Sweet Woodruff- relieves nerve pain and soothes migraines; it also helps ease swelling and relieves congestion. Sweet Woodruff attracts money and prosperity; it has also been used for protection and victory, holding the element of Fire. 

Oatstraw strengthens bones, soothes the nervous system, stabilizes blood sugar, and relieves depression. Oats have been used in prosperity, and money spells invoking the Earth element of Venus. 

Lavender- boosts mood, improves sleep quality, soothes headaches and migraines, and strengthens overall immunity and the nervous system. Lavender has been used in love spells. It gives protection and happiness in love. It holds the element of Air.

Steep a few teaspoons of loose tea for about five minutes or desired strength.

Full Moon Phase] Brings everything into light; this marks the outward expressive phase exposing our inner work and revealing our manifestations. This is also when the Full moon is one hundred and eighty degrees from the Sun, so the Moon occupies the opposite zodiac sign for that month. Each phase provides a different theme. Every month we are contracting and expanding. This could be why sometimes we feel more social than others. 

The Full Moon Ritual Package uses three powerful forms of plant healing for the mind and body, indulging all the senses. 

Room Spray - pure therapeutic grade essential oils to open and expand the mind with the power of scent, igniting the olfactory response and stimulating the neuropathways. 

Juniper- assists in grounding and calming emotions while supporting the body in meditation.

Sweet Orange- oils are extracted from the rind cold pressing method. It takes hundreds of orange peels to produce an ounce of essential oils. It's rich in limonene, boosting our mood and giving us confidence and optimism.

Maritime Pine- grows on the coastal range helping us to stay fluidic, grounded, and strong. It helps support the respiratory system deepening our breath like the Moon to the ocean tides. 

Ylang Ylang- has been known to be a stress reliever and helps with sleep issues, but it's a powerful aphrodisiac and inspires creativity, encouraging intimacy and bonding.

*note the Room Spray is intended for external use only and not to be used directly on the skin.

However, it's ideal as a pillow spray to invoke dreams or to clear and protect a sacred space; due to the strength of the oils, it should only be used for relaxation.   


Flower Essence elixir- is composed of pure vibration botanicals penetrating our peripheral nervous system, the most primal parts of our body where we sense and feel our environment connecting our inward and outward worlds. These scentless tinctures work directly on the emotional body and the subconscious, helping us release and let go of toxins and instilling confidence and unconditional love. 

Flower Essences ruled by the Moon-

Tulip- offers enlightenment. Its geometric hexagram pattern represents the human position between the cosmos and the Earth, giving a balance between polarity. 

Queen Anne’s Lace- ignites our intuition offering deep wisdom, love, and understanding.

Morning Glory-  calms the mind and shifts our consciousness helping us to gain new perspectives and peace of mind. 

Full Moon Ritual Tea Blend-

Nettel- is a blood purifier and immune booster; it's nourishing and improves digestion. Nettel is protective and wards off negative energy. It holds the element of Fire.

Sweet Woodruff- relieves nerve pain and soothes migraines; it also helps ease swelling and relieves congestion. Sweet Woodruff attracts money and prosperity; it has also been used for protection and victory, holding the element of Fire. 

Vervain- reduces stress and anxiety. It has also been used to treat headaches. Vervain has a lengthy list of magical attributes. But it's commonly used to invoke love, protection, healing, and money. It holds the energy of Earth and Air.

Strawberry leaf- has a high amount of vitamin C, protecting the body from bacteria and viruses. It's rich in antioxidants that help combat free radicals. Strawberry leaves boost creativity and bring luck and love; it holds the energy of Earth.

Rose- contains vitamins E and C that help nourish our skin. This is vital to our bodies healing process to fight infection. Rose promotes psychic powers, healing, divination, and unconditional love. It also brings protection and luck. It holds the energy of Water.

 Steep a few teaspoons of loose tea for about five minutes or desired strength. 

The Moon tea is a wonderful tea reading for Tasseography. 


New moon in Aquarius & Borage Flower Essence


The Flower Attunement Oracle Session