The Science Behind Flower Essences

What are flower essences? Flower essences are gently distilled concentrates. The term vibrational medicine is used a lot to describe them; they are that, but there is a science as to how these mysterious botanical elixirs affect our mind and emotional body. 

Flowers are harvested in small batches with intentional and delicate procedures. The botanicals are then immersed in Springwater. The minerals in spring water are ionic, which helps the body absorb them easily. Water is kinetic; in physics, this means water holds the energy it possesses due to its constant movement, and its small molecules can be boiled and stay the same weight and consistency.  

Heat is then applied to the immersed plant material; the traditional method would allow the infusion to absorb the sun's rays for about four hours; usually, temperatures can rise anywhere from 102 to 130 degrees depending on exposure and the sun's intensity. This is warm enough to extract small amounts of volatile oils and the “essence” of the plant character. Because water is a universal solvent, the action of heat captures the essence into liquid, and all the plant material is meticulously strained and disregarded. 

There is no biomechanical plant material is used in the final process; ingesting these flower elixirs offers a different kind of medicinal benefit. Unlike Essential oils, where thousands of plant matter is steam distilled, the quintessence (oil) of the plant is used for its therapeutic benefits. The olfactory response stimulates the limbic brain, offering an instant physical connection to memory and memory stimulation, calming the cerebral nervous system.

Applying essential oils to the skin also engages our noticeable senses. The integumentary system protects our body from environmental damage and pathogens. Our skin is the largest organ in the body. It is literally what protects us from the outside world; there are so many known health benefits essential oils offer our skin. That's because when the action of water and heat alters massive amounts of plant material, it is transformed into a chemical component. It consists of antiviral, anti-bacterial, and antioxidant abilities.

No matter how medicinal plants are used medicinally, their essence lifts our spirits and calms our bodies. Because flower essences have a faint to no scent, describing how they will make you feel is personal. However, understanding their chemistry, qualities, and environment gives us depth and understanding of their abilities and how they affect our body on a mental, emotional and spiritual level. Because each plant is unique, rigorous study, understanding, and connection to the natural world are key factors when facilitating these therapeutics.  

 The science behind their superpowers is primal. Like us, plants have organs and a sophisticated system to detect and respond to light, gravity, temperature, and physical touch receptors, sense environmental factors and relay the information through an intermediate chemical messenger response. My theory is the symbiotic connection between plants and humans' sensory systems allows for a seamless delivery system.

 Our nervous system is composed of three parts Cerebral spinal NS, Autonomic NS, and Peripheral these systems all work together in different forms of communication. The peripheral NS consists of a network of nerve cells that carry messages to and from the central nervous system. They are responsible for sensory, including smell, hearing, touch, and sight. These nerves carry messages from tissues and organs to the brain and spinal cord. We are a product of our environment. Everything we are consuming around us becomes a part of us. There is a physiological explanation for why we hold stress, trauma, and emotional toxins in the body. This is through our perception; it is how we identify and interpret sensory information to represent and understand the presented information of our environment. This involves signals that go through the nervous system, which, in turn, stimulate the senses and store information within the body. Memories become imprints, forming neuropathways and habits. Emotional toxins and patterns become hard to break because it consumes us, becoming a part of us.

Our bodies are constantly moving energy; we are mostly water, and water becomes the environment it is given it adapts. Some essential oils have been studied in laboratories for their incredible effects on the brain for focus and concentration, relief of stress and anxiety, and the physical association to smell and touch. A powerful tool for mindfulness and neuroplasticity is recognizing and rewiring our neural network of thinking, responding, and reacting. 
Flower essences are the direct essence of the plant; they pack a powerful punch in their abilities to heal our nervous system. Their delivery system is from an internal approach working directly with our nerve cells, addressing the inner communication within the body. Physically, it is similar to an acupuncture treatment releasing stagnation and harmonizing our overall well-being.

Flower essences have earned the reputation of being known as liquid energy; they have the ability to help us recognize and let go of behavior patterns that generate negative thinking. They boost our mood and enhance our perspectives, giving us a different way of seeing life. They also support our physical well-being by offering protection from environmental stress and sensitivities.

Let's face it. Flowers make us feel good. They are instant mood enhancers brain chemicals such as dopamine, oxytocin, and serotine are released, creating a positive reaction such as happiness and reducing stress related to depression while making us feel secure and relaxed.


The Essence of Sunflower


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