How to use the Perusal of the Four Seasons Zine for ritual

Each season offers a theme that corraponse with the dominant elemental nature. Our mind, body, and spirit are synergistic to the natural world and adapt to each transition, whether we are aware of this or not. Some seasons bring more stress than others, depending on personal internal constitutions. Awareness of the changes in occurrence, can be empowering, help us learn to cope with stress, and have a deeper understanding of our environment.

Within each season, we are faced with spiritual, emotional, and physiological challenges. In this Zine series, I created a simple step-by-step calendar wheel using an internal compass and the four elemental directions. Medical astrology, numerology, and tarot all infused together as an introduction for further exploration. *note for accurate moon phases, you will need a current yearly calendar.

This year's example reading >

For this reading, I will be working with The Flower Attunement Tarot. The reason why I'm choosing this deck is I will be looking at this year's theme through Tarot numerology and corresponding plant allies.

* any Tarot deck or oracle will work just fine. The idea is to become attuned to the natural rhythms of the ever-changing seasons.

Everything in the universe has a numerical value and can help us identify and interpret energy.

We kick off the new year of 2023 in dissolution and heightened intuition. 2+2+3= 7 this means we moved into the archetypal Tarot year of The Chariot, which is ruled by the moon and the water element in Winter, where the water element dominates this season. Dream big! Go within and go with the flow! Being in control means allowing fluidity. 7 also offers The Tower card. Big changes are inevitable. This comes further into the the year and is truly welcomed, between Spring and Summer, the 7 of swords and 7 of pentacles help us to stay focused and true to ourselves and cultivate our heart's desires.

Trust, fluidity, setting clear intentions, and leading with intuition for 2023!

The Flower Attunement Tarot offers botanical flower essence elixirs known as vibrational medicine this works directly on our peripheral nervous system by releasing stress, anxiety, and trauma. Each essence is methodically designed for each season through its chemistry and mysticism.

Each botanical blend becomes our allies in coping with the ebbs and flows, like a remedy for each theme.

Winter- North

The Chariot & seven of Cups> Tulip empowers us to move forward fearlessly and dream big.

Spring- East

Seven of Swords> Rowan gives us integrity, and honesty

Summer- South

Seven of pentacles> Cypress gives us vitality and momentum

Fall- West

The Tower and seven of wands > Ginger assures us with safety and security, helping us to surrender to the unknown.


The Science Behind Flower Essences


The Four Seasons Blends & Tarot