The Four Seasons Blends & Tarot

From The Flower Attunement Tarot:

The Major Arcana is a key component of the Tarot deck, consisting of 22 cards that hold significant symbolic and archetypal meaning. These cards represent important life lessons, spiritual growth, and transformative experiences. Each card in the Major Arcana carries its own unique symbolism and message, contributing to the overall narrative and journey depicted in a Tarot reading.

The significance of the Major Arcana lies in its ability to tap into the collective unconscious and offer profound insights into the human condition. These cards often represent major turning points, challenges, or opportunities in life. They provide guidance and illumination, helping individuals gain a deeper understanding of themselves, their circumstances, and the path they are on.

The Major Arcana cards are numbered from 0 to 21, with each number corresponding to a specific card and its associated meaning. The Fool card, representing the number 0, symbolizes new beginnings, spontaneity, and taking risks. The following cards depict various stages and archetypes encountered on the journey, such as the Empress (fertility, abundance), the Chariot (willpower, determination), the Hanged Man (sacrifice, surrender), and the World (completion, fulfillment).

As a whole, the Major Arcana forms a narrative or a story that mirrors the trials, triumphs, and spiritual growth that individuals experience in their lives. They offer guidance and insight, encouraging self-reflection and exploration. Whether used for divination or self-reflection, the Major Arcana holds a powerful and significant role in helping individuals navigate life's complexities, make decisions, and gain deeper insights into their own personal journeys.

The tarot can be related to the four seasons in a few different ways. One way to interpret the connection is through the suits of the tarot deck. The four suits, which are typically represented by wands, cups, swords, and pentacles, can be associated with the seasons. Wands can symbolize spring, representing growth, creativity, and new beginnings. Cups can relate to summer, representing emotions, relationships, and abundance. Swords can be connected to autumn, representing intellect, challenges, and transformation. And pentacles can be linked to winter, representing stability, material wealth, and grounding.

Another way to relate the tarot to the four seasons is through the major arcana cards. Each card in the major arcana can represent a different aspect of life, including different stages or energy associated with the seasons. For example, The Fool card can be associated with spring, representing new beginnings and taking risks. The Sun card can relate to summer, symbolizing warmth, joy, and vitality. The Death card can be connected to autumn, representing transformation, letting go, and the cycle of life. And The World card can be linked to winter, symbolizing completion, fulfillment, and the end of a cycle.

Ultimately, the connection between the tarot and the four seasons can be a personal interpretation, and different people may associate different cards or aspects of the tarot with each season

The Four seasonal blends of the significant arcana provide support and ease through each season.

Let's face it; we are creatures of habit. Each season we move through presents a theme, whether that is changes in temperature, work, school, or experiencing the changes in our community and cities. These subtleties can create stress on the mind and body. Changing a habit or a routine can be disruptive. The four seasons blends are designed to give support, calm, vitality, and an adaptogenic effect to our mind, body, and spirit. This allows us to move fluidly through all the transitions and seasons of our lives.

Summary: In Spring, the focus is on calming the mind and letting go of what no longer serves. The flower essences of Pine, Clematis, Borage, and Goldenrod support mental clarity, courage, and finding life's purpose. Summer brings confidence and self-worth. Flower essences like Cleavers, Wormwood, Teasel, and Mullein help with nonattachment, releasing negativity, reclaiming power, and embracing the authentic self. Autumn is a time for willpower and strength. Flower essences such as Rowan, Echinacea, Sunflower, and Arnica provide protection, healing, balance, and wound healing. Winter focuses on calming the heart. Flower essences like Yarrow, Tulip, Sweet Pea, and Queen Anne's Lace support self-preservation, enlightenment, an open heart, and intuition.

Each season represents a different element, with Spring being associated with air, Summer with earth, Autumn with fire, and Winter with water. These flower essences help rebalance and rejuvenate the mind, body, and spirit, supporting personal growth and well-being throughout the year The four seasons, spring, summer, autumn, and winter, each have their own unique essence in nature and a profound impact on us. Spring is a season of renewal and rebirth. It is characterized by the blooming of flowers, the emergence of new leaves on trees, and the return of animal activity. The essence of spring is one of growth, vitality, and optimism. After the dormant winter months, the sights and scents of spring rejuvenate our spirits and inspire a sense of hope and possibility. Spring's essence reminds us of the cyclical nature of life, the beauty of new beginnings, and the importance of embracing change. Summer is a season of warmth, abundance, and vitality. It is a time when nature is in full bloom, with lush greenery, vibrant flowers, and buzzing wildlife. The essence of summer is one of energy, joy, and adventure. Long days and ample sunshine invite us to engage in outdoor activities, connect with nature, and soak in the natural beauty around us. Summer's essence brings a sense of freedom, playfulness, and a reminder to savor the fleeting moments of warmth and sunshine. Autumn, also known as fall, is a season of transition and contemplation. It is marked by the changing colors of leaves, the harvest of crops, and the cooling temperatures. The essence of autumn is one of reflection, gratitude, and letting go. The beauty of the changing foliage and the crisp air evokes a sense of nostalgia and introspection. Autumn's essence reminds us to appreciate the abundance in our lives, embrace change, and find beauty in transitions. Winter is a season of stillness, solitude, and introspection. It is characterized by cold temperatures, shorter days, and the quiet beauty of snow-covered landscapes. The essence of winter is one of resilience, simplicity, and inner growth. The stillness of nature in winter invites us to slow down, find comfort in solitude, and reflect on our inner selves. Winter's essence teaches us the importance of rest, introspection, and finding beauty in the quiet moments. The impact of the seasons on us is profound. They influence our mood, energy levels, and even our behavior. The changing seasons provide a sense of rhythm and structure to our lives, reminding us of the passage of time and the cyclical nature of existence. Each season has its own qualities that can evoke emotions, inspire creativity, and offer lessons for personal growth. The essence of the four seasons in nature connects us to the natural world, encourages us to adapt to change, and invites us to appreciate the beauty and diversity of the environment around us.

Spring blend- the air element

Spring ~ The Vernal equinox < to make new again, spring cleaning, and weeding out the garden. We are making room for new life to grow, planting seeds, and offering rebirth, renewal, and inspiration.

The Magician-Lupin flower essence offers focus, clarity, and visionary breakthroughs. The Lovers-Lavender flower essence balances our minds and emotions, supporting acceptance and communication. The Star-Borage flower essence expands intuition, instilling courage, connection, and hope. The Fool-Rosemary flower essence gives an innocent mind, trust, and letting go of worry. The Emperor-Thistle flower essence is pure fire and purification, allowing transmutation, personal authority, and protection.

Summer blend, The Earth element

Summer~ The Summer Solstice < nourishment and transformation. Summer brings the outward action and movement of the Fire and Earth elements. Solar energy gives us vitamin D supporting our immune system and bones. The joyous and long carefree summer days fill us with warmth and light, boosting our moods.

Justice-Manzinta flower essence gives balance, self-love, integrity, and cooperation. The Empress-Primrose flower essence brings rebirth, renewal, and creativity. The Heirophant-Shooting star flower essence strengthens our core values and individual truth and connection. The World-Horsetail flower essence supports us in transitions from endings and new beginnings, keeping us grounded. The Sun-Sunflower flower essence is fire at its element, increasing vitality, inner power, love, joy, and abundance

Fall blend- the Fire element

Autumn~ The Fall equinox < is the season of balance and reflection. As we prepare for the darker days, we gather and harvest, giving thanks and gratitude for all we have reaped and down.

The Temperance-Angelicia flower essence connects us to the Divine, permitting peace, healing, and balance. The Devil-Wormwood flower essence helps us to release and let go, strengthening our boundaries and non-attachment. The Tower-Ginger flower essence helps us to trust and surrender to the unknown and enables the changes life brings. The Strength-Arnica flower essence instills confidence, courage, and strength. Wheel the Fortune-Calendula flower essence gives us transformation, abundance, wisdom, and flexibility.

Winter blend-the Water element

Winter~ Winter Solstice < is the time to go within and nurture our foundation. Drinking plenty of water and nourishing our kidneys and adrenals are essential to help manage stress and boost our vitality and creativity. The winter season allows us to look deeper into the shadow, allowing us to become more confident and connected to our potential by facing our fears.

Judgment-Hyssop flower essence helps us to feel safe in our bodies. -Death-Violet flower essence assist us through transition and transformations. The Hanged one- Angel Trumpet flower essence gives us new perspectives, enlightenment, and spiritual connection. The High Priestess-Queen Ann’s Lace flower essence gives deep wisdom, love, and understanding. The Chariot- Tulip flower essence helps increase self-confidence, balance, and personal truth.

All blends are made with organic brandy distilled from my garden. Glycerin options are available upon request.

1/2 oz glass bottle of plant vibrational tincture for internal use.


How to use the Perusal of the Four Seasons Zine for ritual


How to work with The Flower Attunement Tarot