Love Potion No. 6 for 2022

Lunar New Year 2022 moves us into the archetype of the Lovers and the mirror of 6.

Six offers beauty, love, intuition, and the awareness of our hearts. In the Flower Attunement Tarot, The Lovers and Six of Spades offer plant allies to help us find balance in our mind and emotions, Air and Water. The sacred number highlights the mind and body as above, so below, The Lovers relate to Air and The polarity. The Devil represents Earth and our attachments to everything that makes us feel good or bad.

The elements of 6 found in nature, Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, are all interpreted through the archetypes of the universal language of the Tarot and the plant spirits that support each element curated into a flower essence elixir, a divine Love potion No. 6 offering unconditional love and deepening our heart’s true desire the love we seek inside.

Six of Spades: The Lovers & Lavender

Cooperation, communication, and accepting our lessons. The feeling of love is the highest vibration we can experience and brings a dance and balance of the opposition. 

Lavender has air and water energy ruled by Mercury. This helps the mind and emotions find balance. It does this through its calming effect on the nervous system, giving us discernment and properly communicating our needs. Releasing what no longer serves, creating a path to move forward, and opening our hearts to love and unity. There are over forty-five species, with over four hundred and fifty varieties of lavender having many different uses. Lavender is truly abundant and expansive. It is a reminder that love comes in all forms and there is always enough. 

The Six of Clubs: The Devil & Wormwood

Wormwood has been used to treat aches and pains, even sexual desires and addictions. Its rich, vast medicinal abilities come from its essential oils known as thujone. This chemistry has a strong influence on Saturn and Mars. This helps us to let go of attachments that can cause additions and low self-esteem. Wormwood is a great healer. It teaches us to stand up for ourselves and shows us how to let go of old patterns that hold us back from being seen as our true selves. Wormwood strengthens the ego and boundaries, giving the courage to let go and move on. Offering growth, protection, and grounding. 

The Six of Clubs: The Devil & Wormwood

Wormwood has been used to treat aches and pains, even sexual desires and addictions. Its rich, vast medicinal abilities come from its essential oils known as thujone. This chemistry has a strong influence on Saturn and Mars. This helps us to let go of attachments that can cause addictions and low self-esteem. Wormwood is a great healer. It teaches us to stand up for ourselves and let go of old patterns that keep us from being seen as our true selves. Wormwood strengthens the ego and boundaries, giving the courage to let go and move on. Offering growth, protection, and grounding. 

Six of hearts: Lilac & Harmony 

Lilac is an aphrodisiac; it has a sweet floral smell that invokes pleasure and sensuality. It's also uplifting and inspiring. Medicinally lilac can clear us from deeply repressed emotions that can hold us back from our true potential. Lilac brings harmony to our relationships helping us to be at peace.

The Six of Diamonds: Oregon grape & Giving and Receiving 

Oregon grape teaches us about boundaries, cooperation, and sharing. Guiding us to feel fulfilled within ourselves allows us to give to others. Oregon grape gives us healthy boundaries and softness and pushes us to release defensiveness by instilling confidence and trust. Opening us up to feel safe to connect and share with our communities. 


Oregon Grape Flower Essence


Winter Solstice essences from the Flower Attunement