How to use The Flower Attunement Oracle & Guidebook

Using the Flower Attunement cards is a transformative experience for connecting the mind and body. Each card in the deck holds profound insights and offers deep healing, allowing us to release fear and embrace unconditional love. Every card revealed during a reading corresponds to a specific flower essence. These essences can be blended together based on the messages of the cards, creating a powerful remedy that can be ingested as a tincture or added to water, tea, or any beverage of your choice. Additionally, all of the essences can be added to a bath for a soothing and rejuvenating experience.

The Flower Attunement Card kit includes the deck itself, accompanied by a comprehensive guidebook. This booklet provides detailed descriptions of each essence and the season to which they correspond. By understanding the wisdom of the oracle, you gain insights into how to balance, strengthen, and nurture your mind and body. The flower essences reveal the miraculous ways in which plants can support and aid in this process. With over fifty-three cards in the deck and over 100 pages of plant and planetary knowledge, the Flower Attunement Card kit serves as an ideal starting point for anyone interested in harnessing the power of flower essences to enhance their life.

A single card draw from the deck can serve as a daily, weekly, or monthly meditation practice. By pulling one card, you establish an intimate connection with a specific plant and work with its unique energies. Reversed cards offer additional healing and can be used to release stagnant energy, while upright cards provide support and guidance. Embrace the transformative potential of the Flower Attunement cards and open yourself to a journey of self-discovery, healing, and growth.


Winter Solstice essences from the Flower Attunement