Zine Collaboration with Hexenduction books


Zine collaboration with Hexendution Books ritual series welcomes you to the world of self-examination and ritual exercises through the power of zines. These zines offer hands-on tools that foster creativity and connection with the natural world. Regardless of your level of knowledge, anyone can use any Tarot deck or Oracle.

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EXplore the Zines — These zines offer you the opportunity to delve into various aspects of spirituality, astrology, and self-discovery. They provide tools and insights to help you explore and deepen your connection with yourself and the natural world.

  • Discover the ancient method of medical astrology, where astrological energy is used to describe its relation to the body.

  • Explore the influences of the moon as it travels through different aspects and learn how it influences our lives. Connect with flower essences and oracles to navigate through these transitions.

  • Embark on a journey through the four seasons with a blend of cartomancy and tarot archetypes based on numerology. This zine provides a step-by-step process to determine yearly and monthly themes, inviting you to connect with each season and nature, supported by botanical allies.

  • Discover the numerical influence of the Tarot and flower essences using planetary and elemental significance. Dive into the world of numbers and their connection to the Tarot.

  • Explore the ancient practice of alchemy through the art of distillation. This zine serves as a roadmap for self-examination and transformation, turning hindrances into empowerment. Experience the alchemical journey, where the quest for self-transformation parallels the transformation of metals.

The Four Elements Flower Essence blends — each carefully crafted to harness the power of the elements and enhance specific aspects of your being. These blends offer a unique opportunity to align with the elemental energies and integrate their qualities into your daily life. Whether you seek grounding, mindfulness, fluidity, or passion, these flower essence blends are here to support and uplift you on your journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

    • Cleavers: Embrace non-attachment and let go of what no longer serves you.

    • Wormwood: Release unwanted energy and free yourself from burdens.

    • Teasel: Reclaim your power and assert yourself confidently.

    • Mullein: Connect with your authentic self and embrace your true essence.

    • Pine: Silence the inner critic and find mental clarity.

    • Clematis: Enhance focus and clear thinking.

    • Borage: Cultivate courage and bravery in your actions.

    • Goldenrod: Discover your life's purpose and align with it.

    • Yarrow: Nurture self-preservation and protect your energy.

    • Tulip: Attain enlightenment and deepen your spiritual growth.

    • Sweet pea: Open your heart to love, compassion, and vulnerability.

    • Queen Anne's Lace: Trust your intuition and tap into your inner wisdom.

    • Rowan: Provide protection and ignite your passion.

    • Echinacea: Promote healing and restore vitality.

    • Sunflower: Find balance and inner harmony in all aspects of life.

    • Arnica: Accelerate wound healing and foster resilience.