Yellow Dock Flower Essence


Rumey crispus, Strong foundation 

Yellow Dock flower essence holds a bitter, astringent, diuretic, mild laxative, and blood builder. It's not just a pesky weed but a wonderful herbal addition to skin-healing remedies. In ancient Greek medicine, the Earth element was described as cold and dry. Yellow Dock, being bitter, holds these energetics for its healing effects on the digestive system. Yellow Dock grows abundantly, and its roots help strengthen the blood and circulation. Yellow dock flower essence helps us feel strong in our foundation and abundant with the Earth's energy support. Yellow Dock helps remind us to stay grounded when faced with life's challenges that can be hard to digest. Like an anchor, Yellow Dock reminds us we are infinite, abundant, and supported by a strong foundation of Earth's divine design.

1/2 oz 15ml, Intentionally handmade in Portland, OR

Body | Earth | For Strength, Abundance, Grounded, Foundation

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  • About Flower Essences

    Flower essences are beneficial in transforming a wide spectrum of emotional states and behaviors. They are recognized for their assistance in managing anger, boosting confidence, alleviating depression, coping with grief, enhancing energy levels, nurturing self-worth, and addressing various challenges encountered in life.

    Flower essences, potent plant extracts, support our nervous system by working internally with our nerve cells, much like acupuncture. They help release blockages and promote overall well-being, functioning as 'liquid energy' that aids in breaking free from negative behavior patterns, improving mood, and shifting perspectives. With no plant material used in the final extraction process, flower essences carry no altering indications, making them a safe choice for emotional support.

  • How To Use Flower Essences

    Flower essence can be used as a tincture ingested neat or added to water, tea, or whatever you feel. I recommend one drop in water three times a day. All of the essences can also be added to a bath.

  • *Disclaimer:

    Results vary and are not 100% guaranteed. The blends are not intended to replace any medical or mental treatments by a qualified health physician. This information is for educational purposes.