New Moon Ritual Kit


The Moon profoundly influences Earth, affecting plant growth and ocean tides. During the New Moon, increased soil moisture fosters seed sowing and healthy plant development. Similarly, our water-rich bodies experience changes, with unresolved emotions leading to stagnation, irritability, and fatigue. The Moon's impact on our fluidity and emotions reaches deep into our subconscious, aligning our inner and outer journeys with its cycles. Each lunar phase offers reflection and wisdom, enhancing our natural world connection. This kit fosters a deep bond with the Moon, encouraging ritual practices year-round.

The New Moon, always in the same zodiac sign each month, marks a new cycle. Its waning invites inner reflection, rest, and meditation, perfect for setting intentions and exploring divination. Like increased moisture in the Earth, the New Moon stirs emotions and uncovers hidden shadows, making it ideal for self-discovery and learning.

Includes — Room Spray, Flower Essence Elixir, Ritual Tea Blend. Scroll to learn more.

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  • Infused with pure therapeutic-grade essential oils:

    • Mugwort: It contains Thujone, a psychoactive stimulant that activates dreams and visions.

    • Nutmeg: Deepens meditation, opening the mind to prophesy and intuition.

    • Juniper: Grounds and calms emotions, supporting meditation.

    • Rosewood: Strengthens, protects, soothes, and nurtures.

    Note: For external use only, ideal as a pillow spray to invoke dreams or clear a sacred space. Due to the strength of the oils, used only for relaxation.*

  • This tincture blend is composed of pure vibrational botanicals that connect our inner and outer worlds by penetrating our peripheral nervous system. It works on the emotional body and subconscious, helping us release toxins, instill confidence, and embrace unconditional love.

  • Includes:

    • Mugwort: Boosts energy, calms the nervous system, and nourishes reproductive health; holds Earth and Water energy.

    • Nettle: Blood purifier, immune booster, and digestive aid; offers protection, warding off negative energy with Fire element.

    • Sweet Woodruff: Relieves nerve pain, soothes migraines, eases swelling, and attracts prosperity; holds Fire element.

    • Oat straw: Strengthens bones, soothes the nervous system, stabilizes blood sugar, and relieves depression; invokes Earth elements.

    • Lavender: Boosts mood, improves sleep, soothes headaches, strengthens immunity, and is used in love spells; holds Air element.

    Steep a few teaspoons of loose tea for about five minutes to the desired strength. This method is perfect for Tasseography tea readings.