Grape Hyacinth Flower Essence


Muscari, Personal Truth

Grape Hyacinth flower essence has brilliant blue little clusters of bell-shaped petals on one single stem. Their rich blue tone comes from a pigment chemical component found in superfoods called Anthocyanins. This type of flavonoid is a class of antioxidants with significant healing effects for the brain, eyes, and immune system. Grape Hyacinth petals look like eyeballs staring right down at the Earth. This matches the energy of the Moon and our consciousness's direct communication energy center. Grape Hyacinth helps us rely on and strengthen our intuition. This Saturn Earth influence brings this energy into the physical body, helping us to integrate this wisdom into our truth and giving us protection from manipulation. Grape Hyacinth shows us that we can bond together as a community while maintaining our thoughts and spiritual beliefs.

1/2 oz 15ml, Intentionally handmade in Portland, OR

Mind | Air | For Intuition, Wisdom, Communication

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