About Flower Essences
Flower essences are beneficial in transforming a wide spectrum of emotional states and behaviors. They are recognized for their assistance in managing anger, boosting confidence, alleviating depression, coping with grief, enhancing energy levels, nurturing self-worth, and addressing various challenges encountered in life.
Flower essences, potent plant extracts, support our nervous system by working internally with our nerve cells, much like acupuncture. They help release blockages and promote overall well-being, functioning as 'liquid energy' that aids in breaking free from negative behavior patterns, improving mood, and shifting perspectives. With no plant material used in the final extraction process, flower essences carry no altering indications, making them a safe choice for emotional support.
Apothecary Shoppe
Custom Blend
& Flower Attunement Consultation
To address specific health challenges, emotional struggles, or spiritual questions, consider our Flower Attunement & Custom Blend Consultation. Beginning with a grounding tea ceremony and thorough assessment invite Felicia to create a custom blend for a nurturing, empowering and deeply personalized healing experience.