Goldenrod Flower Essence


Solidago virgaurea var. leiocarpa, Life Purpose

Goldenrod flower essence means 'to heal' or 'make whole.' This plant has been utilized in medicine for its ability to alleviate inflammation and promote urinary health. Venus, governing the kidneys and womb, is symbolically associated with fear and creativity deficiency, which can lead to a diminished energy field. This vulnerability can result in breached boundaries and physical manifestations such as fungal and bacterial infections. Goldenrod, laden with saponins, effectively combats yeast and Candida albicans bacteria. These harmful organisms can induce depression, lower our energetic vibrations, and leave us feeling devoid of inspiration. With the supportive influence of Goldenrod and caring Venus, we can reignite our passion, bolster our mental strength, and accelerate toward our objectives, thereby living authentically as per our true expressions.

1/2 oz 15ml, Intentionally handmade in Portland, OR

Mind | Air | For Creativity, Authenticity, Strength, Inspiration

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